Saturday, December 15, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Doggie DEAL of Day!!
This is the GREATEST little invention!
Does your dog squirm around and fidget during bath time?
NOW a safe and easy way to wash and groom your pet at home!
Exclusively from the leader in Odor & Cleanup products for your pet, the patented Mednet Direct Pet Wash allows you to have both of your hands free during the pet washing and grooming process right at home! No longer do you need to wrestle with your animal while trying to wash them! Save time and money by easily washing your pet at home!
The Pet Wash restraint is designed to withstand 100+ lbs. and can easily hold big dogs in place while you wash them! Offered exclusively from Mednet Direct and found at your favorite retailer today!
Reduces Pet Grooming Time
Adheres To Most Surfaces
Restrains Dogs Up To 100lbs
Built-In Leash & Collar
Available In Multiple Colors
Deal of the Day specials at Mednet. We will be offering Pet and Medical items at EXTREMELY discounted prices. PLEASE understand that these will be the best deals you can find on these items and availability will be VERY LIMITED. So once they are gone, they are gone! Happy Shopping!
TODAY get the PET WASH for $19.99 and FREE shipping - but only while they last!!
see also -
Does your dog squirm around and fidget during bath time?
NOW a safe and easy way to wash and groom your pet at home!
Exclusively from the leader in Odor & Cleanup products for your pet, the patented Mednet Direct Pet Wash allows you to have both of your hands free during the pet washing and grooming process right at home! No longer do you need to wrestle with your animal while trying to wash them! Save time and money by easily washing your pet at home!
The Pet Wash restraint is designed to withstand 100+ lbs. and can easily hold big dogs in place while you wash them! Offered exclusively from Mednet Direct and found at your favorite retailer today!
Reduces Pet Grooming Time
Adheres To Most Surfaces
Restrains Dogs Up To 100lbs
Built-In Leash & Collar
Available In Multiple Colors
Deal of the Day specials at Mednet. We will be offering Pet and Medical items at EXTREMELY discounted prices. PLEASE understand that these will be the best deals you can find on these items and availability will be VERY LIMITED. So once they are gone, they are gone! Happy Shopping!
TODAY get the PET WASH for $19.99 and FREE shipping - but only while they last!!
see also -
Saturday, December 8, 2012
It's A Yorkie Christmas Holiday
AHHHHHHHHHHHH it's Christmas time!
Our tree's are up - we have 2 - and the house is all done up! It's a glittery showplace. Tigger, the cat, keeps trying to get under and in the trees! #BadCat
I am SO LUCKY to have a home and be loved. Everywhere - Children dream of stockings packed with goodies and big boxes filled with the latest and greatest toys this time of year.
A homeless dog dreams of one thing - being loved.
There is a neat site called WISHCUIT. Innovative ways to help dogs in need. And there are so many rescues that need help. And dogs that need someone to love them.
WATCH this inspiring video and share some love this season, in some way, whatever way you can help!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
FRED SAYS Yorkie Raises Money for HIV and AIDS
I am a Yorkshire Terrier, living in Chicago - and adopted by my Dad, Rob Garofalo. Dad says I'm a miracle because I helped him through some of the darkest periods in his life (professionally, health wise and personally).
I seem to have a therapeutic affect on people, because I'm cute as a button and sassy.
It was Daddy's idea to put me to work -- using my image to sell boxes of greeting cards. The proceeds go to care for HIV+ adolescents who do not have health insurance. I don't mind because it is a great cause.
Cards are about $20 per box of 12 - and helps raise much needed money!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Happy ThanksGiving To Yorkies Everywhere
I am thankful for my 2 dads and our wonderful home and my best friend, TIGGER!
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
Trixie Lee
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sleeping Dogs Video

This is SO CUTE!
The video features a dozen or so different dogs - and their sleeping habits!
Friday, October 19, 2012
No Indian Summer for Chicago Yorkies
This past summer, I really enjoyed being out on the deck every day - even if it was for just a few minutes. I love the fresh air and laying in the sunshine. I only got to beach twice this summer :-(
I had hoped we would get some nice October days....but that did not happen....
Luckily, my dads keep the back window blinds open - I can usually get some sunshine there....I will miss summer....but I do like the holidays, the decorations and the snow!
Cats Beds and Dog Beds for Yorkies
This is the craziest thing. We bought the grey "cat" bed, for Trixie, our dog last year. She loved it for a few months - then grew bored with it I guess and quit using it.
So I put in storage and had planned to get rid of it. -A few weeks ago, I decided to dig it out and see if I could get the cat to use - and keep him off our bed. - Sure enough, the cat liked it - but so did Trixie! They began to fight for it - just like kids - they want what they can't have!
Last week I went out and bought another bed. The purple dog.
So now the cat lays in the dog bed - and the dog lays in the cat bed!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
NEVER Transport Your Dog in Airplanes Cargo
I don't care how much protection you do - I would never transport my pet in an airlines cargo. You just don't know what happens in there during flight. Things could shift, and cause a dog great stress; is it really temperature controlled? I doubt it. Personally, if my dog could not ride inside the cabin with me - I would drive where I am going - it is just too risky.
And here is some sad proof -
Supermodel and international AIDS activist Maggie Rizer is mourning the loss of her family’s 2-year-old Golden Retriever, Beatrice, after the otherwise healthy dog died during a United Airlines flight from New York City to San Francisco September 3.
Though the model knew that there are always risks in transporting pets on an airplane, she and her husband went above and beyond the requirements of United’s PetSafe program, taking every precaution to make sure that Bea and the family’s other Golden Retriever, 7-year-old Albert, would be safe on the cross-country flight.
In addition to the required veterinary examination and certificate of health required by United, which showed that both Beatrice and Albert were in perfect health four days before the flight, Rizer purchased new kennels, prepared special water bowls with ice, and even paid the airline an additional $1,800 to ensure that her dogs would be cared for during the flight.
“When we arrived in San Francisco to pick up our dogs we drove to the dark cargo terminal and on arrival in the hangar were told simply, ‘one of them is dead’ by the emotionless worker who seemed more interested in his text messages,” Rizer described in a statement on her blog.
Rizer says that she
and her family, including 10-month-old son Zander, fought with the
airline for hours about releasing Bea’s body for a necropsy at Rizer’s
family veterinarian.
the veterinarian discovered, says Rizer, was that at some point during
the flight, Beatrice went into severe distress. Heatstroke is thought to
be the cause of her death.
In a statement, United Airlines both expressed their sympathies and denied any wrongdoing: “We understand that the loss of a beloved pet is difficult and express our condolences to Ms. Rizer and her family for their loss. After careful review, we found there were no mechanical operational issues with Bea’s flight and also determined she was in a temperature-controlled environment for her entire journey." (How can that be proved?)
In a statement, United Airlines both expressed their sympathies and denied any wrongdoing: “We understand that the loss of a beloved pet is difficult and express our condolences to Ms. Rizer and her family for their loss. After careful review, we found there were no mechanical operational issues with Bea’s flight and also determined she was in a temperature-controlled environment for her entire journey." (How can that be proved?)
Rizer told People Magazine
that, after losing Bea on the United flight, she will never fly with
her pets again, and she hopes that her story will serve as a warning to
other families. “I don’t think dogs should be treated like bags,” Rizer
said. “They’re living, breathing creatures and parts of people’s
don’t trust that an airline will truly care and provide safety to your
beloved pet,” she continues on her blog. “At some point in the two hours
that Bea was in the care of United Airlines before she died, someone
made a mistake and because of that, our loving, sweet Bea is no longer
in our lives.”
Read more on her blog. Bea Makes Three.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Happy Birthday to Yorkies Everywhere Born on This Day
Today our little girl turned 5 years old!
Miss Trixie Lee Deluxe ate lots of treats today and had a little spa day at home.
Getting her and the balloon to sit still were a bit of challenge!
I found this cute cartoon below about adopted dogs!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Trixie and Tigger Together
Sorry for the poor quality - shot with the iPhone 3 - which is crappy!
We get the new iPhone tomorrow!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dog Days of Yorkie Summer in Chicago
Where the heck did summer go? It seemed to fly by this year - and I only got to the beach once this Summer :-(
Luckily, I discovered our back deck this year. And my dad lets me lay out there with him as he sips his morning coffee...
I love the fresh air....and all the smells! I am hoping for some nice warm weather, in the coming weeks and hopefully, one final beach day for me.
Until then...I have my patch of sun on the deck!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ethel Merman and her Yorkie
I found this precious photo of Ethel Merman!
Did you know? It was Merman who originated the role of Momma Rose in GYPSY on Broadway in 1959. This six-pound Yorkie named Sprout, was featured in "Gypsy"
Friday, August 10, 2012
Yorkie Discussion Group at VORTS
THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER COMMUNITY – Connect, share and interact with other Yorkshire Terrier owners, breeders, experts, trainers, advocates and lovers as well as with Yorkshire Terrier rescues, clubs and associations.
Share a Yorkshire Terrier article, blog, photo or video. Ask a Yorkshire Terrier question or answer one. Post a Yorkshire Terrier classified ad or announcement. It’s free but you must stay on topic…
Find out more at VORTS
THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER COMMUNITY – Connect, share and interact with other Yorkshire Terrier owners, breeders, experts, trainers, advocates and lovers as well as with Yorkshire Terrier rescues, clubs and associations.
Share a Yorkshire Terrier article, blog, photo or video. Ask a Yorkshire Terrier question or answer one. Post a Yorkshire Terrier classified ad or announcement. It’s free but you must stay on topic…
Find out more at VORTS
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Crazy Dog Tricks
So today I met KIP.
KIP is 10 years old and LOVES to sit on the hood of a car and bark at and try to catch windshield wipers!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A breath of Fresh Air
So my new thing this summer is , my dads now let me go out on our small deck! Before, I used to take off running. But I have learned to NOT do that anymore. And it's so nice to run outside a few times a day and sniff around the plants and flowers! HEAVEN!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Yorkie Drowns at Doggy day Care in Florida
Such a sad story - from Cape Coral Florida.
A 3 pound Yorkie drowns in pool at a doggy day care.
On Wednesday, owners took Callie to Pet Coral Resort and Veterinary located at 924 Del Prado South in Cape Coral.
It was supposed to be a routine temperment evaluation to see if Callie would be a good fit for boarding and day care. Somehow they let the dog into a pool, allegedly supervised, and the dog drowned and no one noticed.
READ MORE and watch the news video reel.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Yorkie Scooting May Have Anal Gland Issues
I could not find a photo of a Yorkie scooting his butt on the floor - but I did want to mention this problem. A reader wrote in and said her little Yorkie was scooting around her carpet, and she checked the anal area and it appeared to be clean - and wondered what was up?
ANAL GLANDS. It is not a pleasant topic but something pet owners (dogs and cats) must be aware of. If left untreated, it could cause huge problems and costly vet bills!
Anal glands are two, very small secretion glands that are located just to the outside of a dogs (and cats) anus. These glands were used to allow a Yorkie ( Yorkshire Terrier ) or cat to mark its territory by secreting a thick, mucous substance that has a very strong and unpleasant odor. And this is also why many dogs like to sniff another dogs rear end.
Most Yorkies no longer mark their territory this way, but the anal sacs or glands still remain. In normal conditions, and proper diet, the glands empty when the Yorkie has a bowel movement with the contraction of the anus forcing the mucous material from the glands.
In some dogs and cats the anal glands can become stopped up and do not drain with a bowel movement or with natural friction, resulting in a painful condition known as an impaction. When this happens an animal should see a vet ASAP. If left untreated, you could have a huge on your hands and a costly vet bill. These impacted glands may cause the dog to stop and constantly lick at the area, or may, more commonly, cause the dog to "scoot" across the floor, grass or carpet.
Scooting is actually rubbing their bottom in an attempt to empty the glands and reduce the pressure. If this works, what is left is a nasty, smelly, foul substance all over your rug or floor that is often mistaken for fecal material, when in fact it is mucous from the anal glands.
Often people believe that this scooting behavior is seen when the Yorkie has worms, and although that may be the case, it is more likely to be problems with blocked or impacted anal glands. And the dog should see a vet ASAP.
Some people will express their dogs anal glans themselves. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS, unless you have a very strong stomach and are prepared for a big mess. And you should have a vet or groomer show you how to do it the first time.
When you are expressing the anal glands, the contents can squirt out unexpectedly and be messy. The odor can be quite foul, and expressing the anal glands may make you heave and it may make you feel a little ill if you have a weak stomach. A vet or groomer may charge $15-$25 to do the service.
ANAL GLANDS. It is not a pleasant topic but something pet owners (dogs and cats) must be aware of. If left untreated, it could cause huge problems and costly vet bills!
Anal glands are two, very small secretion glands that are located just to the outside of a dogs (and cats) anus. These glands were used to allow a Yorkie ( Yorkshire Terrier ) or cat to mark its territory by secreting a thick, mucous substance that has a very strong and unpleasant odor. And this is also why many dogs like to sniff another dogs rear end.
Most Yorkies no longer mark their territory this way, but the anal sacs or glands still remain. In normal conditions, and proper diet, the glands empty when the Yorkie has a bowel movement with the contraction of the anus forcing the mucous material from the glands.
In some dogs and cats the anal glands can become stopped up and do not drain with a bowel movement or with natural friction, resulting in a painful condition known as an impaction. When this happens an animal should see a vet ASAP. If left untreated, you could have a huge on your hands and a costly vet bill. These impacted glands may cause the dog to stop and constantly lick at the area, or may, more commonly, cause the dog to "scoot" across the floor, grass or carpet.
Scooting is actually rubbing their bottom in an attempt to empty the glands and reduce the pressure. If this works, what is left is a nasty, smelly, foul substance all over your rug or floor that is often mistaken for fecal material, when in fact it is mucous from the anal glands.
Often people believe that this scooting behavior is seen when the Yorkie has worms, and although that may be the case, it is more likely to be problems with blocked or impacted anal glands. And the dog should see a vet ASAP.
Some people will express their dogs anal glans themselves. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS, unless you have a very strong stomach and are prepared for a big mess. And you should have a vet or groomer show you how to do it the first time.
When you are expressing the anal glands, the contents can squirt out unexpectedly and be messy. The odor can be quite foul, and expressing the anal glands may make you heave and it may make you feel a little ill if you have a weak stomach. A vet or groomer may charge $15-$25 to do the service.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Yorkie Waits Patiently For 2 Days
This is so crazy!
Rambo jumped out of Michael Siau's rig when Siau stopped at
a rest area near Hannibal on Friday, the Hannibal Courier-Post
( ) reported.
"Didn't even cross my mind that he might jump out. He never has before," Siau said. "I jumped back in the truck, put it in gear and drove off. And I just thought he was in the back asleep."
Siau made it all the way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 170 miles to the north, before he realized Rambo was gone. But he knew if he turned around, his schedule would be thrown off and his job jeopardized.
Siau said he was "freaking out" as he tried to determine where Rambo was lost. He finally concluded the puppy must have gotten out in Missouri.
Siau began calling authorities. By Sunday morning, he had learned Hannibal had jurisdiction over the rest area. Hannibal animal control officer Tim Ledbetter was sent to the site.
Sure enough, little Rambo was there, sitting patiently.
9-month-old Yorkshire terrier wasn't about to leave a Missouri rest stop
without his master. Mistakenly left behind by an Arkansas truck driver,
Rambo waited there for two days until his owner was able to track him
"Didn't even cross my mind that he might jump out. He never has before," Siau said. "I jumped back in the truck, put it in gear and drove off. And I just thought he was in the back asleep."
Siau made it all the way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 170 miles to the north, before he realized Rambo was gone. But he knew if he turned around, his schedule would be thrown off and his job jeopardized.
Siau said he was "freaking out" as he tried to determine where Rambo was lost. He finally concluded the puppy must have gotten out in Missouri.
Siau began calling authorities. By Sunday morning, he had learned Hannibal had jurisdiction over the rest area. Hannibal animal control officer Tim Ledbetter was sent to the site.
Sure enough, little Rambo was there, sitting patiently.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Adopt a Yorkie...or Two!
Who says you can't find Yorkies in shelters?
Yogi and Boo Boo are available in Washington state.
Yogi and Boo Boo are two 9-year-old Yorkshire Terrier mixes that were found in a local shelter together. Now Redmond-based Motley Zoo Animal Rescue is working to find a loving home that will welcome them both together.
The two pooches, one male and one female, are both spayed/neutered, microchipped, flea-treated, dewormed and up-to-date on vaccines. Yogi and Boo Boo are calm among other dogs and would do fine in a household with children who are 8 years old or older.
Read more about them now
If you are interested in adopting Yogi and Boo Boo, or want to find out more about Motley Zoo Rescue, please visit or
HURRY! They won't last long!!
Yogi and Boo Boo are available in Washington state.
Yogi and Boo Boo are two 9-year-old Yorkshire Terrier mixes that were found in a local shelter together. Now Redmond-based Motley Zoo Animal Rescue is working to find a loving home that will welcome them both together.
The two pooches, one male and one female, are both spayed/neutered, microchipped, flea-treated, dewormed and up-to-date on vaccines. Yogi and Boo Boo are calm among other dogs and would do fine in a household with children who are 8 years old or older.
Read more about them now
If you are interested in adopting Yogi and Boo Boo, or want to find out more about Motley Zoo Rescue, please visit or
HURRY! They won't last long!!
My Dog...The King..or the Congressman?
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.
He has his food prepared for him.
His meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year, if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a king (queen), and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick ..........
My dog is a CONGRESSMAN !!!!
My dog is a CONGRESSMAN !!!!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Yorkie Dreams
Today my dads are out at the beach, and I am sad.
In Chicago, I can not go to beach Memorial Day thru Labor Day. I did get out there twice this Spring. I love running on the sand and meeting all the people. Most of the people like me. But some people get mad when I fling sand on their blanket.
So I am home today, laying in the sun. When they get home tonight I get to go out for nice walk!
In Chicago, I can not go to beach Memorial Day thru Labor Day. I did get out there twice this Spring. I love running on the sand and meeting all the people. Most of the people like me. But some people get mad when I fling sand on their blanket.
So I am home today, laying in the sun. When they get home tonight I get to go out for nice walk!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Fiona - Another Great Rescue Story!
Fiona was blind in both eyes, living amongst a trash pile, when she was found. A vet had said he could restore sight in one eye. So the video went up, and went viral, with pleas for donations to cover her $3000 surgery.
Miraculously, within a week, enough people had donated money that Fiona was able to undergo the surgery. Two weeks later, Hagar uploaded a follow-up video, titled “Fiona Can See Now!” featuring the transformed pooch running around and wagging her tail to the strains of Jimmy Cliff singing “I Can See Clearly Now.”
Read more and WATCH now! It's a touching story!
see also HOPE FOR PAWS - the people behind the rescue
If you read their book online - they get 10 cents for every download.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Beautiful Dogs from Puerto Vallarta Mexico
My 2 dads just got from Puerto Vallarta Mexico - I could not go with them :-(
But these are some of the wonderful dogs they met there!
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