We're getting a new Yorkie in our family! After much hunting this weekend, I think we have found a very nice male to bring into our home!
There is much debate about Male Yorkies vs. Female Yorkies an I found this good information online....let me know if you agree....
Over at Elvis Yorkies, they said, " Many people feel that female yorkies make better pets than male yorkies. This conclusion is usually based upon inaccurate information. In discussing these differences we will be speaking in terms of generalizations. These generalizations of female and male yorkies traits are like that of generalizations of female and male human traits. For every generalization there are always exceptions.
Female yorkies are sweeter and more affectionate that male yorkies.
Our experience is that male yorkies are usually more affectionate, exuberant, and attentive as compared to females. They seek your attention and are very attached to their people. They also tend to be more steadfast, reliable, and less moody. They are more outgoing, more accepting of other pets, and take quicker to children. When we have company we invariably have to put the females in another room until the company leaves. The female may be less likely to wage a dominance battle with you, but she can be cunning and resourceful in getting her own way. She is much more prone to mood swings. Most females will usually come to you for attention, but as soon as she has had enough, she will move away. Males are always waiting for your attention and close by.
Female yorkies are more docile as compared to male yorkies.
In the dog pack framework, females usually rule the roost. Therefore they determine pecking order, and compete to maintain and/or alter that order. The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts. Most fights will usually break out between two females.
Female yorkies are easier to train than male yorkies.
Because female yorkies are, more independent, stubborn, territorial and male yorkies are easily motivated by praise, and are very eager to please, training a male can be easier than training a female. However, males can be easily distracted during training, as they just want to get to playtime!"
What do you think? Agree or Disagree?
Namaste' I tend to agree with my limited experience with this breed, although I only have had in the past a little boy his name was Bonsai, that helped to raise some wolf pups that came into my facility. I will have to post pictures of that in a blog at some point of him doing that, he was a 3 1/2 pound ball *fully grown* of energy and sweetness, he always gave me the elvis lip curl when I would say m...o..n..k..e..y and I'd look directly at him, he would raise his top lip in the corner just a WEE bit, hardly noticeable, but then I would say "Oh you giving mom the elvis lip curl monkey?" and he would do it again. Too cute!I don't even think yorkies are *dogs* they are little people impersonating a dog! ha ha. My house dog is a little shih-tzu now. She helps to keep my insane life balanced due to working with wolves whom can be intense. One thing No dog has over on this little breed is their bigger than life personality! thanks for reminding me of my monkey. I miss him. And no, no wolves ate him ha ha. ;0)
Totally agree, males are more affectionate,but harder to train(especailly potty training!)And if not nuetered worse! But are ALWAYS there for you, as for females,much more independent!
Jen said
I ahve been raising this breed for five years and agree with all but that only some males are harder to potty train as is some females my males potty trained alot quicker that most of my females it all depends on the dog not the sex of it.
I have a male yorkie and I agree with all of the other comments. My Reno is perfect! He is affectionate, devoted and very intelligent. He was very hard to potty train though. (his only fault) but now that he is a year old, he does much better. The comment of "yorkies are little people impersonating a dog" could not be more true. Reno is human like, and our family considers him human also. We love him more than anything in the world ! Everybody should be lucky enough to have a yorkie like our Reno !
this is great! I stumbled on to your blog and have to agree with the assessment on male vs. female yorkies. I just purchased a male and he fits these characteristics to a tee.
i think a male it's better.
who are with me?
PS. i'm a girl (:
i agree, males are much better :)
I have been told that males are much more friendlier then females. but I belive that females are friendlier than males.
i don't think it matters if its a female or male as long as you love him/her....all dogs train differently....good luck with your little boy..
we currently have a young male yorkie but we are thinking of getting a female.
hes been quite good at training, and from experience, they seem to pick up alot from other dogs, so hopefully the little girl will copy eddi, at least until we've trained her!
but i've heard that all dgos train differently and that you can never know what the do will be like until you've brought them, but i will deffinatly take all you said into concideration, and mabye get another boy instead!
I have very limited experience with any type of pet. But my male yorkie is great. He is loyal, brave and loves to cuddle. He does not like children at all and has to be locked in another room when children visit
I was set on getting a little female yorkie. Everything was set. Then my boyfriend came home one day with the most beautiful little thing you can think of. But it was a boy...
4 weeks later, my maxi is still as cute as the first time i saw him. He’s a bit more snobbish than n yorkie girl, much more playful and easier to train. He doesnt wander like Daisy (my Gram’s puppy) and he is very finicky about strangers.
I think that it is not necessarily the gender that makes the puppy, but the personality. They really are little individuals.
Just remember, a yorkie is not a possession owned, but another individual moving in. I love my Max and would pick his company over anyone...and i am 21!
You said it - you are so right!
a yorkie is not a possession owned, but another individual moving in.
Thanks for stopping by!
How do we keep a male yorkie(one year old) from marking his territory on our furniture. We never see him in action but see the evidence afterwards. (We have had him now for two months). Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.
I have both and my male is smarter so potty trained he would hold it until there was no more holding. My female is almost three years old my male is five years old she still has accidents. But personality the female is more playfull. The male is like a little old man he goes for his walk then hes down for a nap I love them both in different ways.
My male Yorkie is very smart. I adopted him at over a year old with absolutely no obedience lessons ever to be done with him. I had him for just a few months and I taught him to sit, shake, high five, lay down, roll over and "get in your bed" aka, get in his kennel. He will do anything for a treat which makes life easy and loves to be praised. My best friend has a female Yorkie and she still pees in her kennel after a year of being trained. I would not trade my MALE Yorkie for any other dog in the world!
I have to agree. Regardless of gender, yorkies are unique. I've had large and small breeds, but pound for pound, our little female yorkie packed more joy into our hearts than I ever imagined a dog possibly could.
We have a boy and a girl and I agree with the post. The boy is way more people oriented, always following at our heels. He's more outgoing and friendly at the dog park. The girl learns and retains training better, is more independent, more territorial and wary around other dogs. They are both fun, but really different. The best part is watching them interact and play together.
My female yorkie was very independent the first two months, it took me 2 months to train her (obviously training is a lifetime thing) and she is such a good girl! Everytime I take her to my friends house she always get comPliments because of her impressive behavior! I got her when she was 4months, now she is 3 years and she is like a baby! She needs all the attention in the world from me and my housband, she sleeps in the bed between us inside the sheets and she wake us up in the morning with tons of kisses and some sort of hugs :) I agree it all depend in the dog, the time you can give them, the way you train them and even the kind of Person you are, if you have kids or not, your lifestyle... The important thing is to show them your rules in order tO have the best relationship with them inside our homes and to make them feel part of the family! males or famales it's our responsibility to educate them and take care of them forever, cuz dogs are amazing!!! I love my little maika!!!!
I have had alot of experience with both male and female yorkies. I love my male he is my favorite. He is to smart for his own good but that is why i love him. I do breed my male and he is very aggressive towards other dogs. My sister in law has a male, and her female is one of my males puppies. My male is very tolerant of the puppies, but if my sister in laws male so much as looks at my male he will attack him. has bit me and my wife trying to get at the other dog, and will do the same no matter what kind of dog, lab, rotwieler, it doesn"t matter, and if i try to spank him he will growl at me. The vet said he is just very dominate
I don't agree with this--I've had both male and female yorkies. My male yourkie was a bit more friendly directly and the female a bit more protective and stand offish at first. But then, she warms up to people very quickly. My male yorkie wasn't as confident or assertive--he walked around a lot of the time with his tail down--almost acting shy. My female has that tail straight up most of the time. I've had trouble potty training both my yorkies to go outside. The male wanted to pee inside mostly where the female is more prone to taking a dump inside. Neither dog was good for that matter--but I found it harder to get rid of the urine smell than to pick up the small hard stools. Both dogs were very intelligent but I find the female much sweeter in nature and wanting more affection and attention than my male did.
We lost our little Sophie, probably heart attack, at 11yrs and were heartbroken and devastated- totally out of the blue with no symptoms and gone in 60 seconds, literally. So in the following months we've researched for our next Yorkie. We are going to try a male this time, so will have better comparison later, so these comments help and most everything I read says the males will bond with the woman & female with the man, which was definitely true of Sophie- she loved me, but LOVED daddy. From everything we read she might have been the rare alpha female personality, but even so, wow, was she a sweetie! So I think either way, male or female, you can't go wrong.
I have one comment on the potty training- remember, everyone, they have TINY, TINY bladders- most accidents are our fault, not theirs. We trained Sophie in a dog box (I used the clear, silica cat litter pellets and it was low enough for her to easily enter) and if it was available, no accidents. If a dog is peeing in her crate (like one poster's friends), I am certain the owner is leaving her in there too long. These little guys really can't just "hold it" nearly as long as even a other small dog breeds. So, chin up, and more wee, wee pads! They aren't being difficult, just small! :-)
I have had both male and females...my Bailey Boy was totally loyal and cuddly and friendly to all...however, my Gabbi Girl..she was right there by my side, she loved kids, she was gentle and loving..as Bailey. Both are gone, Gabbi passed away last week..my heart is broken! I had the pleasure of getting Annie last Nov when a lady decided she could not keep her..she is skittish..due to being abused! but she is coming around..I think God put Annie with us to help me through the loss of Gabbi..I don't think its so much the gender, as it is the lil ones..themselves. They thrive on your attention, both genders..I would have a male again..and female..no preference..when you meet a pup for the first time..you know..that pup will know...<3
I have 2 male yorkies and 2 female yorkies and they are all wee pad broke
they learned very early to use wee pads didnt have a problem with any of them. i use under line pads that people use on old peoples beds. they are larger and cost less then dog pads and you get more in a pack.. the 30 by 36 is best. as for going out side no no i only let them out if im right there with them. i have a friend who have 2 yorkies and she let them out to play in yard and a owl fly down and picked one up right in front of her. she lost her baby girl.. hawks will do the same.
that scared me when she told me i now keep my babies on a least.
when we go out i only take 2 at a time. id cry myself to death if i lost one like that knowing it was scared to death. id rather see one killed right then is to wonder night and day if a bird tortured it..both male and females male great pets. i think the males has the best coats longer and thicker then my females.. koda is my 3 lb male and he has the longest coat and so thick it takes me hours to groom him its staight and hits the floor. chloe is my parti female yorkie she just turned 1 year old 4 lbs and she has a beautiful head and face baby doll face and her hair is beautiful on her head and ears but the rest of her coat is stringy.. im new at the pari yorkie so im wondering if her coat will get any longer or will she stay the way she is?
well thanks for listerning to me
go out and get a yorkie no matter if its a male or female you cant go wrong i love all mine dearly the love to cuddle. they are my joy
as i tell my grown kids. my cup runth over when i hold them all
I agree that female Yorkies are more independent. Males are very eager to please but I can't handle the potty training part... they just won't stop marking if you don't neuter them in time.., and even then they still tend to mark.
I have a female and she is the perfect example of a little DIVA I love the comment about "yorkies are little people impersonating dogs" completely true... I couldn't be happier with my "coco" she is just perfect so far... I take her with me everywhere; she loves shopping, is clean and quiet!
My Chewy is the best furbaby ever....and yes he totally acts like a person in a dogs body...he loves to cuddle, loves attention, very curious and ever so brave....he always draws a crowd everywhere we go with random strangers coming up to me to ask if they can take pictures. He loves being out and seems to know when the weekend is. He knows that mommy and daddy will take him somewhere fun. I would be lost without him.
I totally agree with this!!! I have a big male yorkie [Tyler] he is 2 years old + weighs 12 pounds + I have a female [Madison] she is 1 year old and weighs only 2 pounds.. Tyler is soooo affectionate, loving, loves 2 hug + kiss etc.. But Madison is as small as she is, is THE BOSS + DIVA of the house she gives my poor Tyler hell.. She bites his tail and legs and ears, she doesn't like to be picked up or kissed and she likes to bite... Neutering is a must for male yorkies if you have it done early on there will be no urinating on your furniture etc.. Yorkies are hard to potty train and they really can't hold it in for to long but with a bit of patience and time they are potty trained. Yorkies have changed my life they are unlike any other animals they are like children, I can't imagine my life without them. I think that personality has a lot to do with the way your yorkie will be and I love the best of both worlds having a boy + girl is perfect!
I couldn't agree more. Male yorkies are the best companion, very loyal and always in good mood.
Being a breeder of Yorkies, I think it depends on the owner's gender. I find that the opposite sex of the dog to the owner works best. Meaning if the dominate owner is male, the female Yorkshire Terrier draw towards him and visa versa for the dominate female owner with a male puppy or dog. Both are going to "mark" so it is just something I have personally noticed. I also have found that litterbox training a puppy early on is so much easier for either sex.
My little Lucy (5 lbs.) is all of the above. I chose a Yorkie breed because i prefer a dog who isn't very subservient, clingy or fearful. I like Yorkies because they have more energy than many other breeds. She is turning 2 years old, and still lively -which is more fun than a dog that sleeps most of the time. Yorkies tend to be more lively than other dogs. They like to forage around and play with toys.
Lucy has a cheerful nature, and she's brave, a great watchdog yet utterly non-violent, friendly, empathetic (child crying and she runs over to comfort), a bit bossy at times, huge personality, a bit of a crook when it comes to stealing food off a table. She's affectionate without being demanding about it. She decides if she's going to obey me or not, but she's improving on that. It's really nice having a female because I can pet her little belly without having a big penis in the way.
very cute!
I have a 1 1/2 year old female Yorkie and a three month old male Yorkie. My female Yorkie it took quite some time training her.. I agree with you all as far as her personality. I think my 3 month old male Yorkie is filing her as far as being house trained he seemed to be doing quite well. I just love my babies to death. My 3 month old male Yorkie is a little baby he makes little baby noises which is so sweet. I'm really glad that I got the mail Yorkie cuss my female Yorkie seemed bored now they're both full of energy. He does everything she do!!!!
It depends on the personality of the dog so about 50/50
My girl just died after 12 yests..Bella
She did not like other dogs and hardy like new people but to the family she was living. I miss her so. She was 3 lbs The runt of her litter but only in size.❤
I agree 100% with the observations that males are more affectionate than females. I’ve had three male Yorkies and my friends have 4 females. In all cases my boys have been super affectionate, smart and clownish - they love to make you laugh! The females have their friendly and affectionate moments but on their own terms and definitely more independent. They bonded with the male humans in the household (even though the female humans did most of the caregiving).
I agree except I think females are easier to train because of the distraction factor especially house training of course there are acceptions to the rule. As someone who has raised several breeds of dogs from large breed to tiny yorkie and tea cup poodle I think these characteristics apply to most breeds. My male yorkie is spot on to these except the housetraining it's been a long go. I also have a male and female doodle this is spot on with them too except the training...male much tougher female was a breeze.
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