I buy this weekly Yorkie calendar every year - it is SO CUTE. Over 50 Yorkies.
Yorkshire Terriers 2012 Hardcover Weekly Eng Calendar
and it's under $10!
After a national outcry, an investigation was quickly launched, and hundreds of thousands have joined Facebook groups or signed an online petition demanding that the 22-year-old be brought to justice.
When officers arrived at de Moura's home she reportedly tried to explain her actions by saying she was ‘having a bad day, going through some family problems and an attack of nerves.’ - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? You throw and beat and abuse a helpless animal, cause you're having a bad day! She should be JAILED!
A police spokesman said the investigation is expected to conclude on Wednesday and could result in de Moura being sentenced to up to a year in prison for animal cruelty.
The brutal attack was witnessed by a child, so she could also be charged under the Children's Act for 'exposing a child to shame or embarrassment, the maximum penalty for which is three years behind bars,' he added.