We joke, that after a long walk or an exhaustive play time, our little Yorkie Trixie Lee just plops on her side, exhausted - and we joke, that her little battery must have worn out. So other day she was laying there, with her eyes open, but not moving - so I put a couple batteries next to her, to shoot this picture. I thought it was kind of funny!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Boo the Yorkshire terrier watches his favourite show, Spot the Dog.

CATS and dogs are digging digital TV.
Pets can now pick out images on digital that they could not follow on the old analog boxes.
Melbourne animal eye specialist Andrew Turner said his cat Milo always tuned in to the TV when he watched golf on a pay TV sports channel.
"He sits there watching the ball fly through the air and when it lands on the green, that's his cue to whack it," he said.
One of two specialists at All Animal Eye Services in Mt Waverley, Dr Turner said that far from being colour blind, dogs saw blues and yellows.
And while analog images were shown at speeds too slow for dogs to identify, digital let them pick out the pictures.
"There is no harm in allowing an animal to watch TV, so long as their viewing habits are matched with an adequate exercise program," Dr Turner said.
Monday, August 8, 2011
5 Best Hygiene tips for Yorkies and other Small Breed Dogs

As all dog owners know, every breed is different. They all have their own little individual quirks and behaviors, needs and issues. When it comes to the hygiene of a Yorkie or other small breed dogs, there are a few things you have to look out for to keep your little one safe and happy and most of all, healthy.
1. Grooming. Vet checks are a given. Every dog needs a check up, regular shots, but a trip to the groomers can be just as important. Because they have hair rather than fur and don’t shed, it keeps on growing just like ours does. Consequently, they need regular brushing and hair cuts so they don’t become a tangled mess. Not only will it look bad, but it’s also very itchy and uncomfortable for your dog. Tangles and mats don’t dry well when wet and can hold moisture close to your dog’s skin for long periods of time and can actually promote wounds in those areas.
2. Eyes. Many small breed dogs have issues with “weeping eyes” and you can see it clearly on light colored animals that often have a dark stripe leading from their eye to their muzzle. This is perfectly normal and helps to keep their eyes flushed and clean, but does require a little bit of regular maintenance. Picking off the dry pieces and not letting it build up is important. A gentle cleaning with a warm wet cloth can keep the area free of hard and itchy build up.
1. Grooming. Vet checks are a given. Every dog needs a check up, regular shots, but a trip to the groomers can be just as important. Because they have hair rather than fur and don’t shed, it keeps on growing just like ours does. Consequently, they need regular brushing and hair cuts so they don’t become a tangled mess. Not only will it look bad, but it’s also very itchy and uncomfortable for your dog. Tangles and mats don’t dry well when wet and can hold moisture close to your dog’s skin for long periods of time and can actually promote wounds in those areas.
2. Eyes. Many small breed dogs have issues with “weeping eyes” and you can see it clearly on light colored animals that often have a dark stripe leading from their eye to their muzzle. This is perfectly normal and helps to keep their eyes flushed and clean, but does require a little bit of regular maintenance. Picking off the dry pieces and not letting it build up is important. A gentle cleaning with a warm wet cloth can keep the area free of hard and itchy build up.

3. Ears. Any dog, small breed or otherwise, should have their ears checked and cleaned on a regular basis but for breeds with continually growing hair rather than fur it’s even more important. The hair in the ears needs to be clipped or plucked on a regular basis to avoid infection. It’s also much easier to clean out dirt and debris if you can actually see inside the ear. Clean with a moist cotton swab along all of the visible areas. NEVER put a q-tip inside your dogs ear canal past the point that you can see it. This should be left to a vet as you can do serious damage.
4. Teeth. Small breed dogs seem to have far more problems with their teeth than larger breeds do and good teeth are essential to your dog being able to eat properly (and avoid painful rotten or abscessed teeth and gums.) Brushing their teeth regularly is the obvious solution but some animals are simply not interested in letting that happen! Taking a “finger brush” available at any pet store and rubbing a small amount of dog toothpaste over their gums and teeth can also help, as will crunchy dog bones. Your annual vet check should also always include an oral exam.
5. Body temperature. Again, because of the difference between a non-shedding dog versus a shedding one, it’s important to understand that your dog can overheat or get dangerously cold very quickly. As they can’t grow a dense winter coat, Yorkies often need some type of sweater in the colder months, even for short trips to pet waste stations. Always grab a warm garment along with your dog waste bags for trips outdoors. Once indoors, the garment should be removed to allow the skin to dry. In the summer months, keep them well hydrated and well groomed to avoid overheating.
Everyone wants their furry friend to be safe and healthy and as long as you know the specific things to watch with whatever breed your dog may be, there’s no reason that they can’t live a long and happy life by your side.
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