Two famous Yorkies, Schmitty and Pudge, invite you to tour New York City. Follow the adventures of these delightful dogs as they visit all of New York City's famous landmarks. Starting at Grant's Tomb in Harlem, they head south to visit the Seinfeld gang's favorite restaurant and then rest their tired paws with a carriage ride through Central Park.
After a hot dog at Gray's Papaya the pooches bump into Regis on their way down to Times Square to meet the Naked Cowboy before catching a matinee on Broadway. Then it's off to the Empire State Building for a dog's eye view of Manhattan. A taxi to Tiffany's for a little retail therapy is the perfect prelude to an afternoon massage. Nothing caps off a day in NYC better than sitting in Battery Park watching the sunset over the Statue of Liberty.
So when you come to visit NYC keep an eye out for Schmitty and Pudge.
SEE THE VIDEO and Follow the further adventures
of Schmitty and Pudge at Gotta Visit NYC!