Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hug Your Yorkie

These stories break my heart - WHO  DOES THIS SORT OF STUFF?   What kind of human being does this??

An abandoned Yorkshire terrier was found huddled in freezing temperatures inside a small, black, metal crate on a snow patch near the intersection of White Pond and Farmers Mills roads in Kent, Putnam County,(New York State)  Friday morning, the Putnam County SPCA said.

How sick is that?

All dogs just want our love. Hug your precious pet today!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Dogs Who Love Warm Laundry

Are your YORKIES  obsessed with warm laundry?? I barely get the basket on the floor and Trixie starts  pulling it all over and making a bed! SHE  LOVE'S  IT!

And when I take a shower and she watches and waits  until I lay the wet towel on the floor and she rolls all over it rubbing her face and any part of her body she can rub on it.

AND WHAT ABOUT SHOES?  She loves to stick her head inside my shoes!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Smart Yorkshire Terrier Saves Woman

I love these stories!

LOUIE (above) pressed his tiny paw on an emergency button on the floor and called for help by yelping into the intercom, after his owner suffered a suspected heart attack.

“He’s my light and day. He’s always beside me whenever I need him. 
He’s more than just a dog” says owner  JUDITH.

She trained the Yorkie to use the button, which provides a hotline to the care services, if she is unconscious and unable to do so and this is the second heroic dead little Louie has done.
Last year he earned himself an animal bravery award from veterinary charity PDSA for raising the alarm when Judith slipped after stepping out of the shower.

Read the whole article

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Teeth Cleaning and Yorkies

Trixie turned 6 this year - and I have to admit - we have not done a great job brushing her teeth. Like many dogs, they just don't like it. So we tried things like  Plaque sprays and special toothpastes - but it was time finally for a cleaning. And I am always afraid to have a tiny dog put under.

But she survived and bounced back!  And we are determined to NOT let her teeth get dirty from here on out.   Our vet highly recommended this line called  Clenz-a-dent. Clenz-A-Dent PlaqueOff contains the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum which is a natural agent that reduces the formation of dental plaque, tartar [calculus] and bad breath. You can add it to their food - or their water - so we're trying that for now - I will let you know how it works.

(You can get it discounted at Amazon - cheaper than the vet!~)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tipping Dog Groomers and Dog Salon Owners

Pet Groomers: To Tip or Not to Tip?

I used to be a waiter - and back then, made about $3  an hour.  Most waiters and waitresses depend on tips to survive. Banquet waiters and hotel waiters usually, make a fair wage - do you tip them? At hotel parties, I don't tip if they pour a glass of wine like they are supposed to. I DO TIP when they do something special or go above and beyond their normal duties.

Do you tip your hairdresser?  What if they own the salon and is keeping the whole $50 - do you still tip him?  Some people feel since the employee is getting paid less, they should get a tip.  So many questions about tipping. I found this great article online  about tipping dog groomers, written by the owner of a grooming salon.

He says, " “Tips are not necessary, but they are appreciated.  I leave the amount, if any, up to the customer." And just because he is  charging $40 for a dogs cut - does not mean he gets to keep it all. He has expenses and overhead.   Read the article here - it's very interesting!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Trixie Lees 6th Birthday

WOW!  THE BIG 6 this year. Funny, I don't feel that old. My dads took me to the beach yesterday and I ran around in the sand and today, they had balloons and birthday cake for me!

I am one lucky little girl.  THANK YOU!

* A wagging tail is a great way to say thank you! and wet kisses!  xoxoox

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Final Day at the beach for Trixie?

ANOTHER  GORGEOUS  DAY  AT Hollywood Beach in Chicago!
It was only 70 - but the sun felt soooooooo good!!
Happy September!  My birthday is tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tiny Yorkshire Terrier PAGAN Could be SMALLEST in UK

 7in long and just 5in tall, the three-year-old is believed to be the tiniest dog in Hull and could compete for the smallest in the UK.

Owner Brenda Wheeldon, 72, from Bransholme, said she is "spoilt rotten" and everywhere she goes, people comment on her dog's size.

SHE has her own wardrobe crammed full of handmade coats, dresses and even a tutu.

And Pagan the Yorkshire terrier is taken everywhere in a pram because she's too small to go on a lead.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gorgeous Day at Chicago's Hollywood Beach

We had a couple hot days at Chicago's Hollywood beach last week.  TRIXIE was in heaven, getting wet and running in the sand! After a few hours, her little batteries wore out!

Monday, August 26, 2013

The White House uses the best and the orignal POOP BAGS

The Original PoopBags are on their way to The White House!!! According to People.com, President Barack Obama picks up dog poop just like the rest of us. Now he'll be using The Original PoopBags that are Made in the USA!         POOP BAGS.com

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Adult Yorkie Saved from Puppy Mill NEEDS A LOVING HOME!

Pet of the Week: Meet Mali: Mali endured cruelty and neglect as a puppy mill mom for at least a decade before she was rescued last year. Now, she needs the security and love of a forever family to live out her golden years in peace. Call 931-503-8300 for details.

 CLARKSVILLE, TENN. — The life of a puppy mill dog can be hell on earth. Unscrupulous breeders stack wire cages full of dogs half a dozen high, meaning that the dogs in all but the top row are relentlessly subjected to the falling excrement from the dogs above.
In addition, puppy mill dogs are often treated roughly, fed poorly and denied medical care of any kind.

That was the sad story for Mali, a Yorkshire Terrier rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri. Mali was taken in by Inge Irby who runs Clarksville’s Second Chance & Happy Tails, a non-profit, no-kill, small dog rescue. Local veterinarians estimated that Mali is at least 12 years old, but puppy mill dogs’ ages are notoriously hard to peg because neglect and insufficient nutrition lead to tooth loss.


Miniature Yorkshire Terriers vs. Corgis

So this is mostlt about Yorkies!  But this was just toooooo cute, not to share!

51 humorous and adorable Corgi clips!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My yorkie Quit chewing bones

For the first 2-3 years, my Yorkie LOVED bones. The bigger the better!  She would chew and chew and chew for hours. I realize she was teething a lot that first year, but she  continued loving them.

Then at about 4 years she sort outgrew it.  Now she has a few bones laying around, which she hides and moves from time to time, but RARELY sits and chews.

Has any other Yorkie owners had similar experiences?

Monday, August 12, 2013

American Kennel Club May Avoid Russia in 2016

The American Kennel Club has called on the FCI to move the World Dog Show from Russia where it is scheduled to take place in 2016, because of Russia's human rights abuses against gay people.

KalterHere's the letter, via DogChannel.com:

Dear Rafael,
One of the most compelling aspects of the human-canine bond – cherished internationally more than ever before – is the fact that our dogs love us unconditionally. Dogs do not discriminate. Gender, race, sexual orientation and other status do not enter the equation of responsible pet ownership. That is why the American Kennel Club and our constituency are puzzled and disappointed by the decision to allow Russia to host the 2016 World Dog Show. The proliferation of anti-gay and lesbian laws in Russia today is both disturbing and shocking to our community. The choice of this country as a venue for such a prestigious dog show flies in the face of the ideals of the human-canine bond. 

On behalf of the American Kennel Club, our member clubs, and the American purebred dog fancy, we urge you to move the 2016 World Dog Show from Russia to a nation that respects and upholds human rights for all its citizens. The international dog community deserves to enjoy the World Dog Show in a place that stands for freedom and equal rights for all. AKC cannot and will not support participation in the 2016 World Dog Show if it is held in Russia. 

As exhibitors, breeders, handlers and trainers, we teach our dogs many things. But there is no denying, they teach us too. Our bond with dogs is not defined by the type of person who holds the leash. We cannot support competition in an environment where tolerance does not exist. 

Yours respectfully,
Alan T. Kalter (pictured)
Chairman of the Board
Dennis B. Sprung
President and CEO

Allan Reznik, the Editor-in-Chief of Dog Channel, also announced that a scheduled feature on Russia for its November 2016 issue would be pulled:

A boycott of the Olympic Games is being called for and with the World Dog Show scheduled for Moscow in 2016 the FCI is facing pressure to change its venue unless these violations of basic human rights are rescinded. AKC President Dennis Sprung and Chairman Alan Kalter issued a courageous statement protesting Russian President Putin’s anti-gay law. 

We have many gay breeders, exhibitors, handlers and judges proudly participating in our sport worldwide. In light of Russia’s violation of these basic human rights, and given the strides that have been made recently in the USA with respect to equal rights, DOMA defeat, etc., we at Dogs in Review feel it would be inappropriate to feature Russia in our November International Issue. We are not feeling particularly celebratory toward that country. Moreover, we urge our American judges with invitations to officiate in Russia to reconsider their assignments, at a time when visitors traveling there could be arrested and detained, with the blessing of the Russian government.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Yorkie With a Bad Hair Day

It looks like it could be a bad hair day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Does Your Yorkie Get Bad Breath?

This is cool!
What dog likes their teeth brushed? Not Many!

While this is not a substitute for teeth brushing - it will kill bad breathe!

Your dog will gladly  LICK  their bad breath away!

Buy it Now online

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The BEST Poop Bags Ever Invented

PoopBags.com, the Chicago-based company enjoying its tenth year of reducing carbon pawprints, is excited to announce their newest product,
 the PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll.
“The entire world is now realizing that plastic bags are simply bad for our Earth.” says Paul Cannella, founder and owner of PoopBags.com. A dog owner, Cannella began PoopBags.com in 2003 after researching the residual negative effects that regular, non-biodegradable plastic bags have on our environment. Ten years later, has been named the best rated biodegradable dog poop bags on Earth and PoopBags.com offers several different solutions for environmentally responsible dog ownership.
The company is proud to be a locally-grown operation that produces many products in the USA.PoopBags.com offers a wide variety of dog waste disposal products
to suit consumers’ varying needs.

What the PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll offers is convenience; each roll fits handily into most common bag holders and leash attachments. Dog walkers can easily pull off an individual PoopBag without fuss, and the PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll’s pliability ensures that pickup will be clean and easy. There’s enough room on top to tie a knot, and the bags are strong enough to prevent tears.

The newest addition to the PoopBags ECO-ECO suite, the PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll is ECOnomical and ECO-friendly; meeting three national standards (ASTM 5510, ASTM D5208 and ASTM D6954-04) for biodegradability. Whether you choose to dispose of them in a landfill, or just toss them onto the ground, they’ll disappear into the Earth in between nine months to five years. The PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll are made of 30% post-consumer recycled content, and do not require heat, light, oxygen or mechanical stress to degrade.

The PoopBags ECO-ECO on a Roll are available in retail packs of 4 rolls (60 bags) or 8 rolls (120 bags), and each roll features 15 tear-off bags.  The  units can be ordered and
shipped by the case, with 48 retail units per case.
 visit PoopBags.com.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Haircuts for Yorkies

Dad said it's time for a haircut!   Off to see a new groomer......

Friday, June 14, 2013

Meet Hairy Pawter - A Yorkie in Illinois

How cute is that?!

"I'm a 3 lb. Yorkshire Terrier and I live with my mommy, American Pops Standards recording artist Denise Brigham. She takes very good care of me!

I'm a lucky little puppy! I live in a very loving home with a family that takes very good care of me. They feed me home cooked meals, give me warm baths, groom me and even brush my teeth. I love to play and I have lots and lots of toys. I'm a doggie "model" for advertising and I'm going to be a star on stage in my mommy's concerts!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are Yorkies Loving Dogs?


When we first introduced our 12 week Yorkie to our 10 year old cat, the cat HATED her.  But she still loved him.  And she kept trying to show him love day after day. It took about a good 2 years and the stubborn cat finally gave in. And now they love each so much its unbelievable.

Small in size but big in personality, the Yorkshire Terrier makes a feisty but loving companion.

Find out more at Yorkie 911 Rescue.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Whats Foods Should I not Feed My Yorkie

There are lots of foods that are bad for Yorkies. Grapes and raisins probably top the list of foods you should never give dogs. You should  have a basic knowledge of canine nutrition; and, even more importantly, a thorough knowledge of human foods that are harmful to dogs. Some foods which are safe for human consumption can be poisonous for our canine companions.

 Grapes and Raisins (Grapes are dangerous because of an unknown substance which is toxic to dogs – affects canine’s kidneys)

 Avocado (All parts of the avocado and avocado tree are toxic to dogs.)

 Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder (In large amounts these can cause an electrolyte imbalance – and severe electrolyte imbalances can lead to muscle spasm or even congestive heart failure.)

 Chocolate (Chocolate contains Theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. This can be fatal to dogs.)

 Macadamia Nuts (Macadamia nuts contain an unknown substance that is toxic to dogs.)

 Mushrooms (Mushrooms may contain toxins which could cause liver and kidney damage)

 Onions (Both onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient Thiosulphate. But onions are more of a danger. Many dog biscuits contain *small* amounts of garlic – garlic contains less of this toxin so huge amounts would need to be consumed to be toxic. And, by the way, this poison builds up the system – it can be toxic in one large dose – or with repeated consumption of small amounts.)

 Sugar-Free Foods (Sugar-free foods containing Xylitol have been found to cause liver failure in some dogs.)

I am sure there are a lot more -  so check with your vet as well. 


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Are Nuts Safe for my Yorkie?

I started eating almonds recently. I eat a small portion every day. And little Trixie loves to beg for them.

So I looked online  - and discovered dogs have a hard time digesting almonds. And Macadamia nuts can be  DEADLY and some walnuts are not good for dogs.

According to VPI Pet Insurance, walnut poisoning is one of the most common claims for toxic ingestion. The average cost to treat walnut poisoning is $315.74. The average cost to treat an upset stomach, according to VPI’s claims data, is $214.69.

read more about nuts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Do Laws Against Animal Crushing Videos Violate Free Speech?


Ashley Nicole Richards, who filmed herself torturing and killing kittens, puppies, cats and dogs, could get off - on Freedom of Speech!

Judge Sim lake is calling the heinous torture freedom of speech . This is an outrage I still cannot believe this is even real that there are psychopaths like this and that our courts are defending the.

read more  here

Sign the petition to stop this madness

Cadillac SRX Week with a Yorkshire Terrier

 So last weekend, my dads were given a brand new Cadillac SRX Luxury Crossover to drive for a week!  Talk about LUXURY!  WOW!

 The 2013 SRX is a daringly distinctive luxury crossover that serves up equal doses of refinement and exhilaration. From its bold exterior design to the subtle elegance of available heated and ventilated seats, the SRX is pure Cadillac.  -  The ventilated seats were very cool - and they give off heat in the winter!

Perhaps even more remarkable is the intuitive technology the SRX offers like the innovative CUE7 ­- Cadillac User Experience driver interface, which leaps two generations ahead - the control panel was super high tech and my dads kept playing with it.

 the convenient available rear-view camera -  my dads loved this feature - especially for parallel parking. 

or the available Bose® surround sound and HD radio.  8 SPEAKERS!  That my dads insisted on cranking up to full volume, hurting my little ears!

It was a couple gorgeous days, driving on the road across the state. We had the moon/sun roof open and it was cool, because the wind did not obstruct the inside sound of the car. And the Bose system will actually adjust for wind noise!

In the back seat, there are 2 DVD players.  8" screen , wireless headphone, and a remote control. So at one point, I watched LADY AND THE TRAMP!

Another cool thing is the glove box is very big  - and divided in 2. The top portion is cooled, so you can keep a sandwhich or drinks in it.
My dad also really loved the blind spot technology. When changing lanes, the mirror blinks, to warn you someone is in your blind spot.

SO MANY COOL things about this car - we REALLY  REALLY  LIKED IT A LOT!

Thanks  GM/ Cadillac!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dogs Waiting to Pee


You should see the  womens line !!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Yorkshire Terrier Shares Her Love at Hospice Care

They say all it takes is a happy face to brighten someone’s day. Especially when that face is a 3-pound Yorkshire terrier named Ferrari.

“She’s absolutely adorable and the patients love having her come around,” said Volunteer Coordinator at Hospice, Marsha Grimes. “She’s so tiny and she sits right on their laps. It just gives them a wonderful feeling.”

Since the minute Joanie Kumiega put her dog, Ferrari, in her arms, she knew there was something special about her. Ferrari was very loving and kind to everyone she came into contact with. The terrier brought so much joy to people, that Kumiega thought, why not share her with others?

 That is when Ferrari was put in a special program to get her pet therapy certification with Therapy Dogs International. TDI is a volunteer organization that helps pets get ready to visit nursing homes, hospitals, and other places where people are in need of a smile. The dogs are tested to see how they interact with patients and make sure they are comfortable within their surroundings.

Ferrari passed with flying colors and the first place Kumiega wanted to take her to volunteer was Hospice Buffalo in Cheektowaga. Every Monday, Ferrari visits patients whom are suffering from illness. With the touch of her soft fur and a tiny cuddle, the little dog is able to make the patients feel relaxed and at ease.

“She has such a gentle spirit and she is so loving of all people,” said Kumiega. “The patients and their family members really appreciate her visits. It definitely gives them something to smile about.”

Kumiega also said she chose Hospice because she too has had family members who have went through health issues and she wanted to give back. She hopes to see more dog owners registering their canine friends for patient therapy.

Metro WNY

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The BEST Dog Poop Bags

How do you pick up your dogs poop? 

Many dog owners pick it up with a non-biodegradable plastic bag. They "recycle" (re-use) one of those plastic bags from the grocery store. They pick up the poop and throw it away. 

But then what happens? It gets sent off somewhere, to live on forever and ever and ever.
You may not think about it, but chances are if you have a dog you're creating excess waste, somewhere. There are approximately 78.2 million owned dogs in the United States. That's a lot of poop!

Paul Cannella, the owner of Chicago-based PoopBags.com, created a solution. 

Cannella’s PoopBags are 100 percent  TOTALLY biodegradable dog waste bags  —
Made from corn starch and other renewable resources, PoopBags are shelf stable products that will degrade, after use, at the same rate as the core of an apple. 

"I used to always run out of bags for my dog, May. I started grabbing extra bags when I could: my Mom would save them for me, I always asked for double-bagging, etc. I started looking for sources on the web and discovered just how bad plastic bags were for the environment." says Paul. 

In 2003, there were very few resources for biodegradable bags — and it remains true today. While many claim to be biodegradable, only a couple actually meet the ASTM D6400 specification, which allows you to legally claim your product is biodegradable."

 Check out Poop Bags.com
The ORIGINAL and the BEST Poop Bags!