Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do All Yorkshire Terriers Run and Try To Hide their Bones??

Whenever we give our little Yorkie a new bone, she loves to run around the house and try to hide it and bury it, the first day! What's up with that??


  1. Our Yorkie does exactly the same. We're forever finding bits of chew down the side of the sofa where she's 'buried' them.
    We have to clear out her basket regularly too as she buries things in there under the blanket.
    She buries anything new then promptly forgets where she's put them. D'oh!

  2. My little yorkie girl does the exact same thing as I'm writing this! Haha, such a fun coincidence. I just trained some tricks with her and then rewarded her with a big cookie, then turned to my laptop and googled "yorkshire terrier blog" and this page is what came up. Now she's walking around my room trying to find the perfect spot to hide the cookie. There's nothing I love more than that look on her face, like "I have a super important mission, hiding my candy!!"

  3. Haha, my little Kenzo does exactly same thing :) Sometimes i wonder if this is the only worry in his life.

  4. My Yorkie does the same but with socks, as soon as somebody takes them away he always pick them up, look at us and then go to his little bed and try to hide them,if the door is close, then he jump on the couch, move the pillow with his little head and hide them under the pillow. He is so funny, he does the same every single day, is like a ritual thing for him.

  5. Beautiful!!!!
    Greetings from:

  6. We have to clear out her basket regularly too as she buries things in there under the blanket.

  7. Yes and yes hahaha thats just what they do.... my own little yorkie Belle does just the same thing, I have learnt to put her treat back just where she left them when hovering and cleaning, if I forget to put it back she'l walk around and whimper looking for them. As posted above about the socks hahaha, I'v to clean her bed out often as she does the same thing....

  8. I was wondering the same thing! Maybe since they were used to hunt rats out of mills back in the day I wonder if they also would pick the rats up and take them elsewhere. But yes mine hides his favorite toys and bones anywhere he feels comfortable that no one will move it even though it may be in clear view. So weird but also so funny since we know where it is and can see it.

  9. My little yorkie Gizmo is 4 months old and has such a temper. When our mini piglet is tired of the biting and playing she will nip him and the fight is on.He wants to get even I have to pull him off her.Growling he just stares at Dubie. How can I make them be friends?
