Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Shampoo for Yorkshire Terriers

We used this shampoo last fall and really loved it! Then my bottle got misplaced and we tried a couple other brands that were just OK. I found my bottle of Yorkie Splash today and was so excited, gave Trixie a bath this afternoon.

I remembered right away why I like it. It lathers up nicely and rinses out faster than anything I have ever tried. Her hair was squeakly clean! And had a nice soft gentle scent.

The owners say, "Yorkie Splash is made of organic ingredients. There are no man made chemical soap products (it is a castille soap) or artificial ingredients (with the exception of some parts of the fragrance oil). Because of this, it will take some time for your Yorkie to “adjust” to being cleaned naturally.

The first time you wash your Yorkie with Yorkie Splash, the immediate reaction after rinsing will be a “waxy” feeling. This is normal, and the waxy feeling will fade as the hair dries.

Shampooing with man made materials strips the skin of natural oils. So, the more often you wash with regular shampoo, the more oil the skin has to produce to keep the skin balanced. Once you start using a natural shampoo, there will be a transition process as the body tries to “rebalance” the oils. At first, your Yorkie may continue to over produce oil.

After about 3 – 4 weeks you will start to notice a big difference in your Yorkie’s coat. You will be amazed at what your Yorkie’s coat really feels and looks like – naturally! "

You MUST try these products! We love them! Yorkie Shampoo.

1 comment:

  1. I have had so much fun browsing your blog and admiring your gorgeous friends.

    My little guy doesn't like baths either, but looks precious wrapped in a fluffy white towel, pre-heated in the dryer for his comfort.

    I'm going to bookmark your site so I can come back read more...

    Linda and Niles :)
