Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yorkie Mom Dies After Giving Birth....

It's a dog's life for Jackie Irvine but she's loving every minute of it, playing mum to a litter of puppies whose mother died eight days after giving birth.

Jackie bottle feeds the tiny three-week-old Yorkshire Terrier pups six times a day, acting as their surrogate mother, after seven-year-old Amber died.She said: "When Amber died it was such a shock – even when I picked her up I didn't think she was dead because she was still hot and her eyes were open."

But when you are left with five little faces looking up at you, you just have to take over."I was feeding them through a syringe but I got a bottle from the vet with a teet on it and we feed them with that now."It's quite humorous to see them because as they get bigger, they want more.

"They feed six times a day, I am up through the night feeding them and if I go out it's not for more than an hour-and-a-half."Jacie said she will probably keep one of the pups – which have been named Lucky, Fudge, Madonna, Robert the Bruce and Lulu – and give the others away once they are six- or seven-weeks-old.

Lucky was given her name because she was the first puppy to be born and was cold and lifeless, but she and her husband Bill managed to revive her.


  1. irresponsible or what, you bred a 7 year old yorkie, seems you dont care about the mother, gosh some breeders, and i guess your keeping a pup to breed all over again...........

  2. How come these people who leave comments and remain anon seem to know nothing about nothing. This women is not a breeder the dog was a family pet who gave in to her animal instincts. This woman raised these pups out of love.four of these beautiful dogs went to loving caring families, who were absolutly over the moon and extatic
    the love they showed when recieving these pups was a picture to see. and will remain with us forever. Yes she did keep one, she was a mirror image of the mother and will recieve all the love god gave us to share. I can only imagine this anon writer has a pet called hen pecked husband or a couple of snakes, you know the spineless varaity. with no guts.

    with regards
    billy o

  3. I totally agree with Anonymous. What was this woman doing letting her seven-year old dog breed?Obviously the poor dog gave in to her animal instincts but you're supposed to look after your pets! And don't you have a vet to advice you? No wonder the poor thing died.
    All my dogs are spayed or neutered.
    Real (responsible) yorkie lover

  4. I think that Yorkies are particularly fragile and that giving birth is very painful and difficult for them. They can easily be too small to breed and as more and more extremely tiny, tiny Yorkies are appearing, the more I think that to breed these little pups, who are some of God's tiniest, sweet little creatures, should have special help and protection especially going through this. I would think that they like any human being, should have prenatal care and then post birth check ups to make sure that there is no baby left in the tiny swollen uterus. Little Yorkies are easily exhausted during birthing and often do not have the energy to continue the strain and push. Their pain overwhelms them. They can easily develop high or low blood pressure. And, if even a part of the placenta is left in the uterus, it is enough to cause a deadly bacteria to grow and poison the little body that is already too weak to fight back, and just as deadly is the infection that gets into the body and spreads very quickly. I love these precious tiny little luv's. I know that it is very difficult sometimes to recognize when something is terribly wrong and they can't verbalize their suffering to us so we are often left making intuitive guesses. I just lost my precious Julie and if anyone ever referred to her as a "dog" I would be so terribly offended that I would cut that relationship off in a split second. She was never a "dog" she was my baby.

  5. I think that Yorkies are particularly fragile and that giving birth is very painful and difficult for them. They can easily be too small to breed and as more and more extremely tiny, tiny Yorkies are appearing, the more I think that to breed these little pups, who are some of God's tiniest, sweet little creatures, should have special help and protection especially going through this. I would think that they like any human being, should have prenatal care and then post birth check ups to make sure that there is no baby left in the tiny swollen uterus. Little Yorkies are easily exhausted during birthing and often do not have the energy to continue the strain and push. Their pain overwhelms them. They can easily develop high or low blood pressure. And, if even a part of the placenta is left in the uterus, it is enough to cause a deadly bacteria to grow and poison the little body that is already too weak to fight back, and just as deadly is the infection that gets into the body and spreads very quickly. I love these precious tiny little luv's. I know that it is very difficult sometimes to recognize when something is terribly wrong and they can't verbalize their suffering to us so we are often left making intuitive guesses. I just lost my precious Julie and if anyone ever referred to her as a "dog" I would be so terribly offended that I would cut that relationship off in a split second. She was never a "dog" she was my baby.

  6. the reason why your yorkie died after giving birth was because you never took her to the vet, which lead her dying. the same thing happened to my dog but she didn't die, my parents took her to the vet, and they said that she was gonna die if we didn't bring her to the vet. that is why you should take her to the vet before giving birth

  7. I know this is old but before you judge always know the circumstances!! I didn't even know my Yorky was in heat and then once I realized I separated her from my other Yorky who is a male they are both under a year old and next thing I know I have a puppy being born on my foot. She only had a litter of three one was too small to survive so we didn't even know she was pregnant.
