Friday, September 7, 2007

Yorkie is BEST FRIEND!

Poindexter, a four and a half pound,
seven year old Yorkshire Terrier,
never took his eyes off of his owner,
Megan Levise, as she worked out at Curves last
Thursday morning. He sat on a red fleece
blanket under a bench and watched every move
Levise made. When others cooed over the cute
puppy, he stayed put, obediently
following the last command.
Dexter is a working animal,
a Heart Service Dog. When Levise says
"stay," Dexter stays until told otherwise.
There is one exception to the rule.
When Levise starts to have difficulty with
her heart or breathing,
Dexter is immediately at her side.
Dexter's training as a Heart Service Dog
began when he was just a tiny one pound
puppy, fitting into the palm of Levise's hand.
He went through the Canine Good Citizen
Test which required him to accomplish such
tasks as walking through a crowd and
behaving properly around another dog.
Dexter is the perfect dog, Levise said,
especially for someone with her particular
disability. First he is easy to pick up and handle.
Second, his hair is hypoallergenic and doesn't
produce the dander that causes allergies.
Third, his small size allows him to travel easier
and be with Levise without being a distraction to others.
Reported by
Jessie Ellis - Michigan

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