Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lots of Kansas Dogs Needs Homes Now

A man sits on a bench in the shade next to a cage holding two gray feral kittens. A few feet away, another man holds onto a leash connected to a big brindle dog. Among the half-dozen animals awaiting their fate is an obviously pregnant Yorkshire terrier mix whose owner is relinquishing her to the shelter.

The animals are among 62 dogs and cats that will be admitted to the Humane Society on a day that also will see 18 pets adopted to new homes and 24 euthanized.

Admissions is the first stop for animals entering the shelter, which takes in more than 14,000 dogs, cats and other small pets a year. It's where the decision process begins on which animals will be offered for adoption and which won't.

Forty-three staff members carry out the Humane Society's mission: caring for animals and finding new homes for them. The shelter also relies on a pool of about 250 volunteers.

The Kansas City Humane Society is a nonprofit organization that receives no government or United Way funding and depends on adoption fees, private donations and fundraisers.

Please spay or neuter your pet and be a responsible pet owner.

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