Saturday, June 9, 2007

Yorkie Scams

It has been a record year for Yorkie
stealings and Yorkie scams.
Puppy scams are popping up in both online and print classified ads.
The seller appears to be local and offers free English bulldogs or
Yorkshire terriers. But when contacted by e-mail, the seller says
he or she is in Africa on a religious mission and promises to ship
the dog overnight for a few hundred dollars. After getting the money,
the seller never ships a puppy.
It's difficult for people to recover money in an international
Internet scam because what's considered fraud in the United
States may be legal in another country, said Ken Huffer,
special agent in charge of the U.S. Secret Service's
Phoenix, Ariz., field office.
"Unless they step on U.S. soil, it's difficult to make an arrest," he said.
"It's like the Nigerian advance fee scams we've been
seeing for years, except with the face of a puppy,"
said Steve Cox, a Better Business Bureau council vice president.
No matter how much was paid, no puppies arrived.


  1. A timely warning. When people see expensive puppies advertised for a fraction of the market price, red flags should go up. Instead they can't seem to resist a bargain.

  2. I am glad that I looked on this website because I almost fell for this scam. I have just recieved a response back about and ad I saw and they said they were in Africa. I see it better to pay the extra money to be sure than to be cheap and end up with no yorkie at all!

  3. I am glad that I looked on this website because I almost fell for this scam. I have just recieved a response back about and ad I saw and they said they were in Africa. I see it better to pay the extra money to be sure than to be cheap and end up with no yorkie at all!

  4. OMG!!! everyone is using this scam, i received 5 e-mails by different users, using the same story, that's why i was concerned. thank you!

  5. hi just to day i came over a ad that had a yorkie for adoption and i emailed them to see what it was about and he was asking for 150 dollars for shipping he gave me a sad story on why he couldnt care for the puppy... the email address i wrote to was be aware its a scam....

  6. Beware! I was scammed from a man who said he was on a christian mission trip in Africa. I sent $200he needed for the shipping cost. The next day he emailed me saying he needed an extra $500 for a special crate the puppy needed to be shipped that customs had to have. That's when I finally realized that I was being scammed! He had pictures of the puppy and everything! Please be aware I wish I would have done some research before I sent the money.

  7. Im glad I researched the topic. My boyfriend was searching for a yorkshire terrier for his grandmother and came across three similar stories. Im glad we did the research!

  8. I also saw one of these adverts for @free adoption@ for yorkshire terrier pups and as I am looking for one I replied. The advert said Crumlin, Northern Ireland and as I live in Omagh thought it was reasonably close. I received the answer saying they lived in London and had relocated to Cameroon to work on a missionary spreading the word!!! I could have the puppy if I sent £200 for a ticket to transport it to the nearest airport or to my door!! As I would never dream of transferring money to anyone in Africa after living there myself for 25 years and being wise to what goes on, I didn't take it any further! It is a disgusting way to try and extort money from people. The person in question was supposed to be so beware of that address!

  9. NEW SCAM SAME PERSON IT IS Tracy Moorgan ( thanks to sites like this one i was saved from this scamer! they gave some sob story about son having cancer and having to give up there yorkies blah blah blah...after investigating (purely on a 'gut feeling') i realized the story i was getting and the location, Akwa airport road liberty ave Douala,British Cameroon it sounded alot like the stories ive ben reading! thank God for sites like these!

  10. I contacted three people about a Yorky , & there all of there responses back were similair...all asking 150$. & all were advertising in New Bruiswick..while they lived in Alaska or Halifax.

  11. Well let me tell you the scams are still going on! I just replied to 2 adds today, and my responses were send 150$ and we will send the dogs.... from Cameroon Victoria?!? sooo yeah!

  12. Me too. Had to take both puppies, cost of shipping is $320. Dogs named Mimi & Milo.

  13. There is a person who has advertised a yorkshire puppy in wellington, n.z, but when you make enquires about it, they then tell you that their husband has been transferred to singapore to work, and they would like you to send some money so they can arrange pet delivery straight to your door! The name they are using are All I can hope for is they catch these people!

  14. I have responded to two ads lately about yorkies and both sent similiar replies. They all ask questions, some about your living situation, jobs, how many kids, and then ask for your phone # and address. Then they ask for money for the puppies to be shipped and some ask for money for a crate for them to be shipped in saying the old crate was damaged. Don't fall for these scams.

  15. I just responded to an ad in the Orange County Register where these people had a male and female yorkie terrier puppies for free. All I had to do was send them $25.00 for each puppy. We decided that we did not want to separate them so we sent them $50.00 for both puppies. Now the airlines calls me and send an email stating that the exporter has to pay $2000 for refundable insurance fee. They are asking us for part of the money which we do not have. Now they say we will be turned into the police for animal abandonment because the puppies are in our name. here is the email address she and her family are missionary's in Geneva Switzerland. I told them that we could not come up with the money so I am waiting to hear from them.

  16. wow- now that's a new one! So are the puppies at your airport now??

    Or is this some airport overseas asking for the money?? Are you sure it is even the airport that is asking this???

    I am sure, this whole thing is just another scam.

  17. funny bookreader54, I just contacted such people "Dr Shannon Norman" and she wanted $50 for both. But funny story is, if it was true then how did she regained the puppies? if technically they are not her's anymore. Don't worry they just want an extra 2 gs

  18. I almost fell for this too then I found the below email listed on this website: tracymoorgan@yahoo.coml. Another one that is a scam is: Please beware! They both asked me for money up front for air fare and I would have puppy in 5-6 hours. Really? Also, the Karlvinpeterson email laid sob story that "they worked for World Health Organizationam located in North Western Region Of Cameroon where they work with the WHO(World Health Organization) to eradicate the malaria parasite that is affecting and killing pregnant women down and that is where they would be shipping these puppies from". Buyer, please beware!

  19. same person back at it again! this time it is for maltese puppies
    ugh. why cant people just be honest!
