Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Page Six Cindy Adams and her Yorkies

By Cindy Adams
(recently ran in the New York Post)
My Juicy is 4. My Jazzy Jr. is 3. Juicy, a girl,
is 31/2 pounds. The boy, my huge, killer attack dog Jazzy,
is 41/2 pounds. Trust me, Yorkies leave paw
prints on your heart.
Why? What's so great about a Yorkie?
A.) They're portable. I mean, try to go shopping
and stuff a Rottweiler in the pocket of your Carolina Herrera coat.

B.) They're snugglable. Jazzy is the only male currently sharing
my bed, but who needs any other? I put my cold feet on him.
He licks my face. And never bothers me next
morning with stupid questions like,
"So how was it for you?"

C.) They're lovable. They don't tell you when you have
a zit on your face or that you've gotten fat. They wait for you to
come home every night. They don't nag and ask where you've been.

D.) And Yorkies don't shed. They have hair, not fur,
so there is no dander, no problem for people with allergies.

When Joan Rivers lost her adored 19-year-old Spike,
she got herself another Yorkie. Amy Tan has two Yorkies.
Cupcake Nederlander, daughter of James Nederlander,
and Peaches Nederlander, daughter of James Nederlander Jr.,
have playdates with my Juicy and Jazzy. The Ralph Laurens' Yorkie,
Bikini, is the face in their ads. The Yorkie belonging to
Katherine Oliver, NYC's commissioner for TV and motion-picture
development, is Jazzy's cousin. Norman Sheresky, lawyer for
Christy Brinkley's divorcing husband, Peter Cook, has a
Yorkie named Biscuit. Biscuit, a product of my breeder,
Paula, is a relative of my Juicy.

New York is Yorkie country.
Of course, like anything with the name "York," they're tough.
A little demanding. I mean, Juicy is 31/2 pounds of pure selfish.
She owns nine of my 10 rooms. But she's very New York.
She loves The Post. Almost every night, I find her
poring over my column.

Do they ever cause difficulties? Yeah, oh yeah!
A Yorkie could have the house broken before they are.
And they're terriers. We're talking a slight habit of grabbing guys'
pants legs - with the guys' legs still in them.

And then there's the bills. Trainers, microchips, coats and sweaters,
grooming and hair bows, jeweled collars. Because they're now members
of the family, because today America spends $39 billion
a year on pets, little creatures with less hair than their
mothers have under the armpits are costing fortunes.
My two have teeth the size of bugle beads.
For a cleaning, including my 15 percent discount, $990.
Not that I don't love my vet, Dr. Berman. I do. I do.
But it's just that my own human dentist, Dr. Lazare, charges only $175.
Still, I love Jazzy and Juicy so much that in the will I'd leave
them my apartment if I thought they could pay the maintenance.

Liza's next song? "I Love New Yorkie."


  1. I am an unabashed admirer of Cindy Adams. Loved her from the moment we met at a summer stock theater on Long Island where she was appearing with the great comedian Joey Adams, her husband of many years. I still have a cigarette holder he gave me. The print on the side reads: "Stolen From Joey Adams." I was a 17 year old actor thrilled to be working in Summer Stock. It was 1959, my dreams were still very big, and it seems like only yesterday. So glad Cindy is still on her beat and loving her Yorkies. What a wonderful life for a great lady.

  2. Sweet story. I'm an unabashed admirer of Ms. Adams. Loved her from the moment we met at a theater on Long Island where she was appearing with the great comedian Joey Adams, her husband of many years. I still have a cigarette holder he gave me. The print on the side reads: "Stolen From Joey Adams." I was a 17 year old actor thrilled to be working in Summer Stock. It was 1959, my dreams were still very big, and it seems like only yesterday. So glad Cindy is still on her beat and loving her Yorkies. What a wonderful life for a great lady.

  3. I love Cindy Adams. Loved her from the moment we met at a summer stock theater on Long Island where she was appearing with the great comedian Joey Adams, her husband of many years. I still have a cigarette holder he gave me. The print on the side reads: "Stolen From Joey Adams." I was a 17 year old actor thrilled to be working in Summer Stock. It was 1959, my dreams were still very big, and it seems like only yesterday. So glad Cindy is still on her beat and loving her Yorkies. What a wonderful life for a great lady.

  4. what a great story! thanks for sharing that!
