Monday, January 29, 2007

FDA Approves Weight Drug for Dogs

Yes, even dogs can have weight management issues!
Celebrity Cecelia Judd Timberlake, a five-year-old Yorkshire terrier,
weighs 11 pounds and looks slightly heavier than the
average Yorkie. But the Food and Drug Administration and
Dog Owner's Guide magazine recently dubbed dogs like "CeCe" -
who owns pink frocks, a winter sweater and a collection of
rhinestone encrusted dog collars - obese. Can you imagine?
The FDA approved the first
drug of its kind to combat canines' fatness. The liquid drug, Slentrol,
by Pfizer (of course) manages obesity in dogs by reducing appetite
and fat absorption to trigger weight loss.
Slentrol will appear in pharmacies in April or May
and will cost between $1 and $2 per day.
The drug is dispensed by prescription only.
The drug should not be consumed by humans or cats.

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